Tuesday, October 21, 2014


By observing the
area above your brow, I can see
where your brain needs work. My observation
works like an optic thing with an audio component
blended in because I can only read
your lips from the booth. Take a sound
with you to lightly brown, in a pan
with shallots. Nothing better than a whisper
in a savory pie. As autumn sinks
in, people will ask you to do things, say
things, open things, and mingle. Write lessons
learned about socialization in legible script
on index cards curled in your palm
as reminders to act naturally around the representatives.
Hold a beverage in your left hand so you can shake
new friends with your right hand. Promote
questioning, read the paper for things to chat
about. Get a purpose and stick with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

O Marry me. Todd. Just kidding. In a good way tho

4:27 PM  
Blogger Joanna said...

Good Advice. Now we have to write a poem called Good Advice.

9:30 PM  

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