Thursday, October 17, 2013

Busted Beautiful

Like, how modern would it be
to lose my cool all of a sudden?
I mean, context is everything, so
it depends on where I do it, right?
The thin radiant streams of light
are just about making the room
crack in half. Maybe a book or a balloon
could provide some distraction for a minute.
Maybe I'll get up and walk it off. Let's hug
it out, no? And then another situation
presents itself, like someone yearning
or pining in a teen movie about that stuff.
I would like to cradle my head in a sling
scented with lavender and some other calming
potion that people in a shop that sell
such concoctions tell me works. I'd like
to own a dog someday and name it Faux Fur.
I'd like to settle in for the long haul
and gravitate towards someone who refers
to herself in the 3rd person as "The Coach."


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