Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Field Guide to Plants of the North

One of my summer favorites is Fink Leaf,
which is best used as a shout propellant, much
like a megaphone but without the batteries
or hassles of the man. This fiery, medicinal leaf
can be used to dye clothing and treat ailments like fake cough
or work fever. Try the Tumbler Bell Flower
for sleep passion, or Shark's Paw for petroleum
gashes. In the shallow dirt near the shrubs around a house
foundation, find the Lime Seed for eye strain
and noise reduction (or enhancement). During the autumn months,
I always keep a satchel of Devil's Paw handy
in case of a gestural flaw, like giving finger
or blistering thumb. When winter rolls around,
I steep Blue Bonnet in a whiskey tea, which
is both sustainable and ecstatic when used
to heighten conversation and observation.
For me, spring is the best time to roll out
the Flip Daisy, a round, slightly powdered
vacancy inducer, best used in 12-hour portals
for euphoric problem solving and garden wandering.
All of the above plants are rear stabilizers, meaning:
They possess divine alkaloids that pertain to meaning
in a larger context, much like washing in a water
bath of half air. Let me know how these helpful
and healing plants work for you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plant tips!
My spiritual awareness has improved
3.27%. Where do I send the money?

10:11 AM  

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