Monday, May 09, 2011


You might have forgotten something-
a plane will do that. The weather is so much
more memorable outside of New York City.
It is good to roll around on the floor
if you are feeling joy that hard
then the situation calls for it.
The day is round and soothing, it has no edges.
To come home swarming with beautiful things.
I can have that stuff and I won't stain it
or send it back if they leave me here all alone.
I swear right here and now that realism
is such an adorable concept. Now the
skin on your fingers is shriveled from soaking in my light.
What I can do is incorporate my style into your days
until the flowers bloom at regular intervals.
You might call me magic and I'll pretend along with you.
A conversation about time when you are involved
with someone's life the way a pillow is soft
but with that joy you can speak volumes. So.


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