He asked that his headstone resemble a beachball (acrylic and oil marker on paper, 6" x 9")
Fuck It (ink and liquid chrome on paper, 6" x 9")
Little Beach Ball (acrylic on paper, 6" x 9")
I Just Talk Loud (oil marker on paper, 6" x 9")
Pegasus (acrylic on paper, 6" x 9")
Oh Hon (acrylic on paper 6" x 9")
Bent Stripes (acrylic on canvas, 11" x14")
Limited Edition Stickers!
Landscape with Teeth (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
Milky Garden (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
Percy Bysshe Shelley (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
BFF 2 (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
FU Astronaut (acrylic on canvas, 11' x 14")
Seasonal Arrangement (acrylic, oil marker, ink & pencil on canvas, 11" x 14")
Read the Signs & Out to Lunch Y'all
The Last Thing He Saw (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
Just Visiting (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
Yes (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
Wiener Dog (acrylic on canvas, 11" x 14")
In the studio with my BFF (40" x 60")