Sunday, April 08, 2012

Kraftwerk Covered

I'll be part of a fantastic night of incredible musicians doing Kraftwerk covers this Tuesday. It should be a marvelous night!

Tuesday night, April 10, 8-11 PM
Littlefield 622 Degraw St, Brooklyn, NY 11217


Free Kitten(esque) with Julie Cafritz (Pussy Galore), Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth), and Pete Nolan (Magick Markers)
Dan Friel (Parts & Labor)
Publicist (Sebastian Thomson of Trans Am))
Matt Marlin (Pterodactyl)
Danny Tamberelli (Jounce)
Todd Colby (Drunken Boat)
Brittain Ashford (Prairie Empire)
Jesse Reiner (Jonas Reinhart)
Shonali Bhowmik (UltraBabyFat, Tigers and Monkeys)
Vaz (Paul Erickson, Tyler Nolan, Jeff Moodrian Jr.)
Corn Mo (.357 Lover)
Kurt Braunohler (Hot Tub with Kurt and Kristen, IFC’s BUNK)
Dave Hill (Valley Lodge, Children of the Unicorn)
Carla Rhodes (The Continuing Story of Carla Rhodes)
Xaddax (Nick Sakes of Dazzling Killmen, Colossamite & Chrissy Rossettie of My Name Is Rar-Rar, The Hex)
and more!

Tickets are $12.50 in advance, $15 Day of

Krautwerk is curated by Joe Garden (Features Editor at The Onion)
Poster by Rick Martin (


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