Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday Top 10

1) Vigorous exercise to thunderous applause.

2) To miss everyone in the world I ever loved all at once.

3) Jumping up and down at a stop sign in order to prove something about flight.

4) Huge water bugs scare the fuck out of me.

5) 3:02 am: toast with extra virgin coconut oil & raw honey.

6) Terry Riley: In C. Again & again.

7) Apollinaire, Mayokovsky & me in the Adirondacks. That would be a good hang.

8) Nicholson Baker's comfortable tone in Room Temperature. Jealous.

9) What a list of the books in my bathroom would reveal about me. Or anyone for that matter.

10) "The Least of My Worries."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will always love your lists.

9:36 AM  

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