Saturday, June 27, 2009


To dance with this new pink form
in a slippery city while roaming the blue yonder
leap through an urban garden make the vast
exchange of what came before
or just after
not now
that's too much
to say trust is vivid or comforting is right
it's a chance we take
to say the last time I felt secure
was never and you too and mean that
where does that leave us
but to make something better & brighter
clean up the dark with a light bright
and muscle our way into a new way of thinking
oh there will be darkness still and the moments
of eating our own lips in the middle of the night
but there will be someone there with you
catching the sad sparks that you cast off
clearing the floor of bitter doubts
lifting the roof so there can be more air
when you breathe your belly moves under my head
I'd like to stay here so I can see what happens next.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would too...

12:30 PM  

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